Free For the Taking
I've been making 3D rotating globes on my Mac since 1991, and see so many lousy looking animated
globes out there that I wanted to share some better ones. Feel free to take and use as many of
them as you have the time to download.
You may also modify them. Most loops have large, 'friendly' [48, 60-those with lots of divisors]
numbers of frames so that the sizes can be altered
by reducing the number of frames.
If you enjoy this site, feel free to copy one of my animated Wizzard
buttons to your site to use to link back here.
I occasionally will do custom, 24bit high frame rate globe animations, but I keep VERY busy and usually only work if there is something unique about the request. You can contact me at: with an idea of your needs, but I cannot do every job requested.

Click on the [previous] [next] links to flip through a loop through all of the
items in the gallery at full size

Images: UNIX Directory
Now many of the animations
are also available as individual gifs. Most are 60 frames long, making animated rotation sequences
of 60, 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, etc. frames possible.

Thumbnails with commentary.